Dynamic QR Code data
Website or Page URL,Can dynamically edit QR code data
Custom file name
You can customize the name of the generated QR code file
Do you want to set a QR code text display?
Add text label to QR Code
The following content has been scanned
test text
test text
[Size:{{basic.base.size}} px] [Print Size :{{(basic.base.size/basic.base.dpi *2.55).toFixed(1)}} CM]
[margin:{{basic.base.margin}} px]
Only jpg/png files can be uploaded, and no more than 500kb
[Size:{{basic.logo.size.toFixed(2)*10}}% of QR code width]
Data display in QR code
Example: {{autoData.data}}{{prefixZero(autoData.start,(autoData.end).toString().length)}} ~ {{autoData.data}}{{autoData.end}}